Hiya Guys! I'm back with a small post on my new space wolf army for 6th ed.
The list itself is pretty simple with a little fun element that i came up with by myself, for once a creative moment came to me while designing a list.
Here it is:
Vindictive Wolves!
HQ: Wolf Priest w/ Saga of the Hunter, Combi-Plasma
Troop: Grey Hunters (7) w/ Meltagun, Wolf Standard, Rhino, MotW
Troop: Grey Hunters (7) w/ Meltagun, Wolf Standard, Rhino, MotW
Troop: Grey Hunters (10) w/ 2x Plasmagun,
Elites: Wolf Guard(3) w/ 2x Combi.Melta and Power Sword, 1x Combi-Plasma
Elites: Dreadnought w/ T-L Autocannon, Missile Launcher
Elites: Dreadnought w/ T-L Autocannon, Missile Launcher
Heavy Support: Long Fangs(6) w/ 2x Lascannons, 3x Missile Launchers
Heavy Support: Vindicator w/ Siege Shield, Extra Armour
Heavy Support: Vindicator w/ Siege Shield, Extra Armour
Fortifications: Aegis Defence Lines w/ Quad Gun Emplacement
Total: 1499 Pts.
The plan is to outflank the grey hunters with the wolf priest and cause plasma-lovely-death :)
The vindicators are my gatekeepers, which will blast everything with lovey-dovey-template-death :)
Long Fangs Squad leader will man the quadgun.
Troops does whatever troops does.
Any Thoughts?